Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry-Go-Rounds and Ice Cream...

Tami's doctor is located right beside two rather large malls, so we had a family outing at one of them yesterday, where Zeke had some ice cream and got to ride a carousel to celebrate finding out about his new little sister.

He liked the carousel a lot...until it started to move. See if you can find him in the video!

Friday, December 28, 2007


So, Zeke likes his yogurt, especially when he gets to do it himself. Here are some pictures.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Zeke the Musician...

Zeke's figured out how to play the harmonica. He's already much better than his father, but probably not as good as uncle Fred. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Three days a week, Zeke gets to take a trip down to the language school, where we trade off for the afternoon. Here's a picture with the pigeons at the square down the road.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Helping with the furniture.

Well, the couches came already put together, but Zeke's bedroom wardrobe and dresser did not, so Zeke wanted to help Daddy with it. They had quite a good time and Zeke's room is looking very nice now.After the furniture was done, Zeke decided that the heater needed a little work, too. This picture is a good thing because Daddy had been looking for those needle-noses. I think he knows where to look now.

New Furniture...AAAAH!

Well, we got our new living room furniture last week, which included 2 couches and a chair, and Zeke ran from thing to thing, laying his head down while sucking his thumb on each one. We think he likes them.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Zeke likes to move it, move it!!!!

Zeke was listening to music on the computer the other day and we made a video of it. Here it is. Nevermind the pre-made bed.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

More friends for Zeke...

People continue to make Zeke feel like a star wherever he goes. He gets his cheeks pinched more than you could possibly imagine. Last night, we made friends with our bus driver on the way home. This was, of course, before the bus left, not while it was driving. It was pretty cute, though.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Zeke's new friends...

We've just been in the country about 12 hours and Zeke has already charmed several people, most of whom have been grown men. While coming home from the airport, traffic moved a little slowly and a car pulled up next to our van with three grown men across the front seat. All three of the men began to smile and wave at Zeke, who did the same back to them. When we went out at 2 in the morning to get something to eat (see the Family Blog), a man in the restaurant squatted beside Zeke's stroller, pulling out his camera phone to take a picture. Anyway, we can't speak a word of the language yet, but Zeke is already helping us meet new people. He seems to be having fun, as well.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Zeke's first Birthday Party!

We celebrated Zeke's first birthday today. He had lots of friends and family come. We ate hot dogs and hamburgers and his mother made a really cool dinosaur cake. Zeke had a lot of fun and is already looking forward to his second birthday. If you want to see more pictures from the party, click here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Zeke's walking for real!!!

Zeke's finally walking! He just decided to take off the day before yesterday. Anyway, without further ado, here he is!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to Zeke...well, maybe not...

Well, we went to take Zeke to have the traditional first birthday picture with the cake and the balloons and all. He wanted the cake the whole way to the picture place and while we were waiting to get called back. Here's the result...
Go figure. Well, he did end up having a happy birthday despite the picture.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Grocery Shopping

Here's a fun video of Zeke with a grocery cart and his high chair...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Down by the Riverside...

So, there's a little creek that runs near the place where we are in VA. Here are a couple of pictures of Zeke sitting down by it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

To the Zoo...

We went to a zoo in Natural Bridge, TN on the way to Richmond. It turned out to be really good. They had pumas and tigers and bears, oh my! (No lions, though.) They also had a variety of monkeys, peacocks, ostriches, pigs, llamas, camels, giraffes, elephant, and a wide assortment of other birds, reptiles, and little furry creatures. Zeke had a lot of fun. We offered him to the bear, but the bear didn't want him. Here are some pictures. Some of the animals were more cooperative than others:

Monday, July 9, 2007

Zeke and Ryan...

Here are some pictures of Zeke and Ryan from the last stop of our road trip. To see more on the trip, see our family blog.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Zeke's Water Tricks...

We're still on our Road Trip in Tulsa. We went to the pool this morning and got some video of Zeke doing some of his new water tricks. Click below to watch. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Zeke, Isaac, and Elijah...

Here's a some pictures of Zeke and Mike and Dana's boys and one of Zeke at the fireworks. For more on our road trip, see the family blog.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Zeke and Averi...

Here is Zeke standing behind a brick wall. He was entertained watching his cousins jumping on the trampoline! For more details about our trip, visit the family blog.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Zeke and Jack...

Here are some pictures of Zeke with his cousin, Jack, from this past weekend. There's also one of Zeke after he got into the Oreos. See the family blog for more information about our road trip.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Zeke is 9 Months Old!

Here's a couple of pictures of Zeke at 9 months. Tami's quite the photographer, isn't she?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Music with Zeke and Dan...

This is a video of Zeke and Dan messing around with a guitar this afternoon. Beware, it has quite the sudden ending.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's a rough life, but someone's got to live it!

This was Zeke's first real experience at the swimming pool. We would have had pictures of him actually in the water, but somehow Tami managed to delete them all with one push of the button. Zeke didn't much like Dan going under the water. He would cry every time. Dan thought it was funny and continued doing it. Can you imagine?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Finally crawling!

We've been waiting on Zeke to really crawl for awhile. For a long time, he would kind of do the worm across the ground, but he didn't really like to be on his stomach. He much preferred being on his feet. Anyway, the last couple of days, he's really started crawling. Here's a video to prove it!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Zeke's walking...kind of...

Zeke is now walking around furniture and pretty much anything else he can hold on to. He was really proud after he walked around the bed in his room. Did we mention he's teething?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Zeke Pulling Up!

Well, Zeke's been pulling up for about 2 weeks now, but we couldn't ever get it on video...until now! We'd say more, but the video pretty much tells the story. Enjoy!

Friday, May 25, 2007


Zeke's friend, Maelyn, came by for a little while this afternoon. When she got here, Zeke let out a loud shout of glee. We thought it would be fun to go to the park and we were right! It was lots of fun! Here are some pictures.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Zeke had fun, too...

In case any of you were wondering where Zeke was while his mom and dad were off enjoying themselves in Jamaica, he had a very good week in Memphis with the grandparents. All four of them had very nice things to say about the week and Zeke had plenty of nice things to say as well. Also, while we were gone, Zeke grew some fangs. It's quite funny-looking, but Dan's parents say he had them, too. Good times.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A photographer in the making...

Well, Zeke and Dan had a little free time this morning while Tami was out with a friend. Dan decided to take some pictures of Zeke, but Zeke had more interest in getting the camera than he did in being photographed. He just wanted to take some pictures, too.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mr. Sticky Fingers...

Lately, Zeke's gotten into this thing of grabbing at anything near him. We think it's really cute...most of the time. Well, last week we heard of these fabulous strawberries they grow in this part of Arkansas, so Tami went out to find some this morning. For those of you who don't know, strawberries come in "flats," which is about six pounds. They sell them in these containers that look like 24 pack soda boxes. Well, all that to say, Tami bought 3 flats of strawberries and set one of them on the kitchen counter. Zeke was sitting on the kitchen counter and decided that the strawberries looked good, so he proceeded to pull the entire flat over to him, pick a strawberry out, and eat it. It really was quite cute. There are pictures below. The strawberries were quite good, too.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Poser...

So, we were trying to take a picture of Zeke while he was laying down because he looked really cute and this is the result. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sitting up and stuff...

Well, it seems like Zeke is doing new stuff all the time. He's now sitting up by himself for really long periods of time. It's really cute, and fun, too, b/c you can set him in front of a mirror and he's entertained for hours, or at least minutes.

Zeke likes his FOOD . . . unless it's tofu!

Zeke is eating lots of different foods now. Most of the time he isn't a picky eater. However, Tami recently read that tofu is a good thing to give babies so she gave some to Zeke, but he didn't think it was very tasty. Dan tended to agree!

Right now, he really likes sweet potatoes and sweet potato veggie puffs. Any kind of fruit is a big hit too, as well as yogurt and Cheerios!